Taken from 1917 edition of Directory of directors in the city of New York
Provides list of Directors of AIC plus listing of known affiliations in book for each director/officer of AIC In 1917 the US was in a war brought on by Rockefeller Remington Arms carried on CUNARD Steamship Lusitania. Remington was located in 25 Broadway, the Cunard building, across from 26 Broadway, Rockefeller Standard Oil HQ. AIC was now 7 years old, controlled by the people on this list, with a mandate to do anything anywhere on Earth and backed by the richest pile of loot ever assembled. The Carnegie fortune could be called upon by having two directors of the trust on board. The Rockefeller fortune was represented by Percy Rockefeller and directors of National City Bank (Citi Bank CITI CORP) and other banks controlled by Rockefeller/Standard Oil huge deposits. Two directors of the Federal Reserve Bank located downstairs almost guaranteed zero percent loans from the Fed to the affiliated banks.
President, Charles A. Stone;
Vice Presidents,
Willard Straight,
Robert F. Herrick,
George J. Baldwin,
Philip W. Henry,
W. S. Kles.
Frederick Holbrook.
R. P. Tlnsley,
R. B. Sheridan,
Harris D. H. Connlck
View 120 Broadway -- American International Corp, 1917 in a larger map |
George J. Baldwin,
Charles A. Coffin,
William E. Corey,
Robert Dollar,
Pierre S. Dupont.
Joseph P. Grace,
Robert F. Herrick,
Otto H. Kahn,
Robert S. Lovett,
Ambrose Monell,
Henry S. Prltchett,
Percy A. Rockefeller.
John D. Ryan,
William L. Saunders.
James A. Stillman,
Charles A. Stone,
Guy E. Tripp,
Theodore N. Vail,
Frank A. Vanderlip,
Edwin S. Webster,
Albert H. Wiggin.
Beekman Winthrop,
William Woodward.
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COFFIN. CHARLES A.. Chairman of the Board of Dirs. of General Electric Co.. 120 Broadway.
American International Corporation. Dir.
British Thomson-Houston Co., Limited, London. England. Dir.
Compagnie Française pour l'Exploration des Procedes Thomson-Houston, Paris. France. Dir.
Detroit Edison Co., The. Dir.
Electric Bond & Share Co.. Dir.
Electrical Securities Corporation. Dir.
Illuminating & Power Securities Corporation, Dir.
Montana Power Co., The. Dir.
North American Co.. The. Dir.
United Utilities Co.. Dir.
American Bank Note Co.. Dir.
American International Corporation, Dir.
Baldwin Locomotive Works. Dir.
Calumet & Arizona Mining Co.. Dir.
Cambria Steel Co.. Dir.
Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation. Dir.
Greene Cananea Copper Co., Dir.
Haskell & Barker Car Co.. Dir.
Heilley Gold Mining Co.. Dir.
Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co.. Dir.
International Nickel Co., Dir.
Mechanics & Metals National Bank of the City of N. Y. Dir.
Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Midvale Steel Co.. Dir.
Midvale Steel Co.. Dir.
Montana Power Co.. Dir.
New Cornelia Copper Co.. Dir.
Remington Arms Co. of Delaware. Pres. and Dir.Waseon Piston King Co.. Dir.
Worth Brother Co.. Dir.
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American International Corporation, Dir.
Directors: Pierre S. DuPont.
American International Corporation. Dir.
Atlantic & Paclflc Steamship Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Belgrave Realty Co., Incorporated, V. Pres. and Dir.
Brooklyn Terminal Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, Trustee.
Gllchrest Realty Corporation, V. Pres. and Dir.
Grace Steamship Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Ingersoll-Rand Co.. V. Pres. and Dir.
Lincoln National Bank of the City of N. Y., The, Dir.
Lincoln Safe Deposit Co.. The. Trustee.
National City Bank of N. Y.. The. Dir.Northern Insurance Co. of N. Y., Dir.
Terminal Warehouse Co.. Dir.
Tile Evergreens Cemetery, Trustee.
HERRICK. ROBERT F.. of the firm of Herrlck, Smith. Donald & Farley. 120 Broadway.
Allied Machinery Co. of America. Dir.
American International Corporation, V. Pres, and Dir.
Calumet & Hecln Mining Co., Dir.
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American International Corporation. Dir.
Equitable Trust Co. of N. Y., The, Trustee.
Metropolitan Opera Co.. Chalrmau of the Board of DIrs.
Morrlstown Trust Co.. Dir.
New Theatre. The. Treas. and Fouuder.
Oregon Short Line R. R. Co.. Dir.
Union Pacific R. R. Co., Dir.
American International Corporatlon, Dir.
Central of Georgia Railway Co.. Dir.
Chicago & Alton R. R.. Dir.
Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co., Dir.
Delaware & Hudson Co., The, Dir.
Fox Point Co.. Dir.
Illinois Central R. R. Co., Dir.
Lake Erie & Western R. It. Co.. Dir.
Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R. Co.. Dir.
Michigan Central R. R. Co.. Dir.
National Cltv Bank of N. Y.. The. Dir.N. Y. & Harlem R. R. Co., Dir.
N. Y. Central R. R. Co.. Dir.
Oregon Short Line R. R. Co.. Dir.
Oregon-Washington R. R. & Navigation Co., Dir.
Railroad Securities Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Union Pacific R. R. Co., Dir.
Wallkill Valley lt. R. Co.. Dir.
Western Union Telegraph Co., The. Dir.
West Shore R. R. Co., Dir.
Yazoo & Mississippi Valley R. R. Co., Dir.
MONELL. AMBROSE, Pres. and Dir. of International Nickel Co., 43 Exchange Place.
American Bank Note Co.. Dir.
American International Corporation, Dir.
American Bank Note Co.. Dir.
American International Corporation, Dir.
Coronet Phosphate Co., Dir.
Haskell & Barker Car Co., Incorporated, Dir.
International Motor Co.. Dir.
Liberty National Bank of N. Y., The. Dir.
Mldvale Steel & Ordnance Co.. Dir.
PRITCHETT. HENRY S.. 578 Fifth Ave.
American International Corporation. Dir.
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co.. The. Dir.
Carnegie Corporation of N. Y.. Trustee.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Pres. and Dir. =========================================================
Air Reduction Co.. Incorporated, Dir.
American International Corporation, Dir.
Chicago. Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway Co.. Dir.
Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co.. Dir.
Midvale Steel Co.. Dir.National City Bank of N. Y.. The. Dir.
National City Co.. Dir.Provident Loan Society of N. Y., The. Trustee.
Second National Bank of the City of N. Y., The. Dir.
Star Seal Co.. Dir.
Western Union Telegraph Co.. The. Dir.
American International Corporation. Dir.
American Surety Co. of N. Y.. Trustee.
Anaconda Copper Mining Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Chicago. Milwaukee 4 St. Pnnl Railway Co.. Dir.
Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation, Dir.
Emigrants Industrial Savings Rank. Trustee.
Greene Cananae Copper Co.. V. Pres. and Dir.
Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co.. Dir.
Mechanics & Metals National Bank of the City of N. Y. Dir.
Montana Power Co.. Pres. and Dir.
United Metals Selling Co.. Pres. and Dir.
SAUNDERS. WILLIAM L.. 11 Broadway.
A. S. Cameron Steam Pump Works. Dir.
American Institute of Mining Engineers, Dir.
American International Corporation. Dir.
Federal Reserve Bank of N. Y., Dir.
India House. Dir.
Ingersoll-Rand Co.. Chairman of the Board of Dirs.
Ingersoll-Sargeant Drill Co.. Dir.
International Harvester Co. of N. Y.. Dir.
International Harvester Corporation. Dir.
Latin American Public Works Corporation. Dir.
Machinery Clnh. Dir.
Mllllken Brothers. Dir.
N. Y. & Honduras Rosarlo Mining Co., Dir.
American International Corporation. Dir.
Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Coal Co., Dir.
Fifth Avenue Safe Deposit Co.. Dir.
National City Bank of N. Y.. The. Executive Manager and Dir.National City Co.. The, V. Pres. and Dir.
Second National Bank of the City of N. Y., The. Dir.
Tiahualilo Agricultural Co.. Dir.
STONE. CHARLES A.. 120 Broadway.
American International Corporation. Pres. and Dir.
Freeport Texas Co., Dir.
International Mercantile Marine Co., Dir
N. Y. Shipbuilding Corporation. Dir.
Paclflc Mall Steamship Co.. Dir.
TRIPP. GUY E.. 105 Broadway.American International Corporation, Dir.
American Surety Co. of N. Y.. Trustee.
American Water Works & Electric Co.. Dir.
Baldwin Locomotive Works. Dir.
Bryant Electric Co.. Dir.
Butlerworth-Judson Corporation of N. J.. Dir.
Canadian Westinghouse Co.. Limited. Dir.
Chase National Bank of the City of N. Y., The. Dir.
Federal Light & Traction Co., Dir.
Interborough Consolidated Cornoratlon. Dir.
Interhorough Rapid Transit Co.. Dir.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.. Dir.
Morris Plan Co. of N. Y.. The. Dir.
New England Westinghouse Co.. Dir.
145th Street Crosstown R. R. Co.. Dir.
Pan-Amerlcnn Debenture Corporation, Dir.
Pennsylvania Electric Co.. Dir.
Pittsburgh Meter Co., Dir.
R. D. Nuttall Co.. Dir.
Wabash Railway Co.. Dir.
Western Light & Power Co.. Dir,
Westinghouse, , Church. Kerr & Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Westinghouse. Church. Kerr & Co.. Incorporated, Pres. and Dir.
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.. Chairman of the Board of Dlrs.
Westinghouse Electric Export Co.. Dir.
Westinghouse Gear & Dynamometer Co.. Dir.
Westinghouse Lamp Co.. Dir.
Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Co.. Limited, of London, Chairman of Board of Dirs.
Westinghouse Metallfaden. Gluhlampenfabrik Gesellschaft m. b. H. Vienna. Chairman of the Board of Dirs.
West Penn Power Co., Dir.
West Penn Railways Co.. Dir.
West Penn Traction & Water Power Co.. Pres. and Dir.
West Penn Traction Co.. Dir.
VAIL. THEODORE N.. 15 Dey St.=========================================================
Advanced Agricultural Publishing Co., Incorporated. The. Dir.
American International Corporation, Dir.
American Surety Co. of N. Y„ Trustee.
American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Pres. and Dir.
Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, Limited, Dir.
Chicago Telephone Co., Dir.
Cincinnati & Suburban Bell Telephone Co., Dir.
Cleveland Telephone Co.. Dir.
Cordoba Light & Power Co., Pres, and Dir.
Cordoba Light, Power & Traction Co.. Dir.
Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co., Dir.
Empire City Subway Co.. Limited, Dir.
First National Bank of N. Y., Dir.
Iowa Telephone Co., Dir.
Lyndonville (Vermont) Creamery Association, Pres, aud Dir.
Lyndonville (Vermont) National Bank, Pres, and Dir.
Michigan State Telephone Co., Dir.
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co., Dir.
National Shawmut Bank, Dir.
Nebraska Telephone Co.. Dir.
New England Telephone & Telegraph Co., Dir.
N, Y. Telephone Co.. Chairman of the Board of Dirs.
Northwestern Telephone Exchange Co., Dir.
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.. Dir.
Providence Telephone Co., Dir.
Quebradas Co., The. Dir.
Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co., Dir.
Southern New England Telephone Co., Dir.
Southwestern Telephone & Telegraph Co., Dir.
U. S. Rubber Co., Dir.
Wisconsin Telephone Co., Dir.
American International Corporatlon, Chairman of the Board of Dirs.
Carnegie Foundation. Trustee.
Chamber of Commerce In the State of N. Y.. Member of the Executive Committee.
Carnegie Foundation. Trustee.
Chamber of Commerce In the State of N. Y.. Member of the Executive Committee.
Consolidated Gas Co. of N. T., Trustee.
Haskell A Barker Car Co.. Incorporated. Dir.
International Mercantile Marine Co.. Chairman of the Finance Committee nnd Dir.
Letchworth Village, Pres. of the Board of Manngers.
Mcintosh A Seymour Corporation. Dir.
Mercantile Burglar Alarm Co.. Dir.
Mercantile Safe Deposit Co.. Trustee.
Mid vale Steel and Ordnance Co., Dir.
National City Co.. Dir.N. Y. & Queens Electric Light A Power Co.. Dir.
N. Y. Clearing House Association. Pres. and Dir.
N. Y. Edison Co.. Trustee.
N. Y. University. Trustee.
Northern Westchester Lighting Co.. Dir.
Oregon Short Line R. R. Co.. Dir.
Oregon-Washington R. R. A Navigation Co.. Dir.
Peeksklll Lighting A R. R. Co.. Dir.
Rail Joint Co.. The. Dir.
S. K. F. Ball Rearing Co.. Dir.
Unlon Pacific R. R. Co.. Dir.
U. S. Realty & Improvement Co., Dir.
American International Corporation, Dir.
ERIE R. R. CO.. 50 Church Street, New York.Directors: Albert H. Wiggin.
ERIE R. R. CO.. 50 Church Street, New York.Directors: Albert H. Wiggin.
INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL CORPORATION, 61 Broadway, New York.Directors: Albert H. Wiggin.
AACHEN AND MUNICH FIRE INSURANCE CO., Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. New York Office, SO Maiden Lane. ~~ United States Manager: Joseph. A. Kelsev; Assistant Manager, Samuel H. Quackenbush. ~~ United States Trustees: Walter T. Rosen, Charles H. Sabin. Albert H. Wiggin.
RAIL JOINT CO., THE, 61 Broadway. New York. Directors: Albert H. Wiggin. Frank A. Vanderlip. Samuel F. Pryor.=========================================================
American International Corporation, Dir.
Deer Range Corporation, Dir.
Delaware. Lackawanna & Westeru R. R. Co., Dir.
Farmers Loan & Trust Co., The, Dir.
Lackawanna Steel Co.. Dir.
Pere Marquette Railway Co.. Dir.
Roslyn Savings Bank, Trustee.
American International Corporation. Dir.
Birmingham Realty Co., Dir.
Colonial Bank. The. Dir.
Federal Reserve Bank of N. Y., Dir.Greenwich Savings Bank. The. Trustee.
Hanover Safe Deposit Co.. Pres. and Dir.
Union Trust Co. of N. t., Trustee.
United Shoe Machinery Corporation. Dir.
Known Funders of racial purity Eugenics on AIC Board
LOVETT, ROBERT В., 105 Broadway.
Pierre S. DuPont.
Index of Members of the American Eugenics Society
Kahn, Mrs. Otto (Addie) (AC,M)
LOVETT, ROBERT В., 105 Broadway.
Pierre S. DuPont.
Carnegie Corporation of N. Y.. Trustee.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Pres. and Dir. =========================================================
Kahn, Mrs. Otto (Addie) (AC,M)
Rockefeller, John D. (M)
Rockefeller Jr., John D. (M)
Rockefeller, Percy A. (M)
McCormick, Mrs. Rockefeller (M) [International Harvester Corp]
Rockefeller Jr., John D. (M)
Rockefeller, Percy A. (M)
McCormick, Mrs. Rockefeller (M) [International Harvester Corp]
Vanderlip, Frank (M)
Vanderlip, Mrs. Frank A. (D)
Directors of Midvale Steel & Ordinance Co., on this list.
COREY. WILLIAM E.. 14 Wall St. also Remington Arms Co. of Delaware. Pres. and Dir.
MONELL. AMBROSE, Pres. and Dir. of International Nickel Co., 43 Exchange Place.
VANDERLIP. FRANK A.. Pres. and Dir. of The National City Rank of N. Y.. .15 Wall St. Vanderlip, Mrs. Frank A. (D)
COREY. WILLIAM E.. 14 Wall St. also Remington Arms Co. of Delaware. Pres. and Dir.
MONELL. AMBROSE, Pres. and Dir. of International Nickel Co., 43 Exchange Place.
Midvale’s huge success is attributed, in part, to the fact that it was organized and managed by a consortium of financial interests as well as people trained in the making of steel. (Most other Philadelphia industries were owned and operated simply by people trained in their specific fields.)Midvale Steel & Ordinance Co. 14 Wall Street. New York.
In 1915, Midvale merged with the Cambria Steel Company of Johnstown, Pennsylvania and two other steel companies near Philadelphia to become the Midvale Steel and Ordnance Company. This merger, according to Scranton and Licht, was motivated by the efforts of “a syndicate of steelmakers trained by Carnegie and Wall Street bankers;” the timing of the merger enabled the company to capitalize on enormous war-related contracts for the Army and the Navy during World War I.
President, W. E. Corey:
First Vice President, A. C. Dinkey;
Second Vice President and Treasurer. William B. Dickson;
Frederic W. Allen.
W. E. Corey.
William B. Dickson.
A. C. Dinkey,
Marcellus Hartley Dodge,
Ambrose Monell.
John C. Neale.
Samuel F. Pryor,
Percy A. Rockefeller.
Charles H. Sabin.
E. E. Slick.
Frank A. Vanderlip.
Samuel M. Vauclain.
Albert H. Wlggin.
MIDVALE STEEL CO.. THE. Wldener Building, Philadelphia. Pa.; Sales Office. 163 Broadway, New York.
President, A. C. Dinkey;
Vice President. E. E. Slick;
W. E. Corey.
A. C. Dinkey.
S. F. Pryor.
P. A. Rockefeller.
CAMBRIA STEEL CO.. Widener Building. Philadelphia. Pa.; Soles Office. 165 Broadway. New York.
Officers: President, A. C. Dinkey, Vice Presidents. E. E. Slick, John C. Neale; Secretary and Treasurer. D. Brewer Gehly.
Directors: H. F. Black, W. E. Corey. William B. Dickson.. A. C. Dinkey. John C. Neale; E. E. Slick. Powell Stackhouse. S. M. Vauclain.
SAUNDERS. WILLIAM L.. 11 Broadway.
WOODWARD. WILLIAM. Pres. and Dir. of The Hanover National Bank of the City of N. Y., 11 Nassau St.
WOODWARD. WILLIAM. Pres. and Dir. of The Hanover National Bank of the City of N. Y., 11 Nassau St.
National City Bank of N. Y., repository for Standard Oil vast deposits, joined in marriage by two Stillman daughters married to two William Rockefeller sons.
GRACE. JOSEPH P.. Pres. and Dir. of W. R. Grace & Co., 7 Hanover Square.LOVETT, ROBERT В., 105 Broadway.
VANDERLIP. FRANK A.. Pres. and Dir. of The National City Bank of N. Y.. .15 Wall St.
RAIL JOINT CO., THE, 61 Broadway. New York.
Officers: President. Edward Y. Weber; Vice Presidents. Benjamin Wolhaupter, Percy Holbrook. W. Paton Thomson; Secretary, Benjamin Wolhaupter; Treasurer, Fernando C.
Directors: Lawrence F. Braine. Charles W. Cox. Otis H. Cutler. Frederick T. Fearey. George G. Frelinghuysen. Percy Holbrook. Samuel McRoberts, Samuel F. Pryor. Fernando C. Kunyon, Samuel O. Thomson. W. Paton Thomson. Frank A. Vanderlip. Marcus L. Ward, Edward Y. Weber, George A. Weber, Charles P. Wheeler. Albert H. Wiggin, Benjamin Wolhaupter.
GRACE. JOSEPH P.. Pres. and Dir. of W. R. Grace & Co., 7 Hanover Square.LOVETT, ROBERT В., 105 Broadway.
VANDERLIP. FRANK A.. Pres. and Dir. of The National City Bank of N. Y.. .15 Wall St.
Mechanics & Metals National Bank of the City of N. Y. would later merge with Chase Bank to become Chase Manhattan Bank. Chase was the depository for John D. Rockefeller's person great fortune separate from Standard Oil Corporation capital & profits.
COFFIN. CHARLES A.. Chairman of the Board of Dirs. of General Electric Co.. 120 Broadway.
RYAN. JOHN D.. 42 Broadway.=========================================================
Delaware. Lackawanna & Western R. R. Co., Member of the Board of Manager«.
Lincoln National Bank of the City of N. Y., The. Dir.
Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co.. Dir.
Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co., The. Chairman of the Board of Dirs.
Lincoln National Bank of the City of N. Y., The. Dir.
Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co.. Dir.
Remington Arms Union Metallic Cartridge Co., The. Chairman of the Board of Dirs.
Ethel Geraldine Rockefeller, in New York City, New York on April 3, 1882 to Almira Geraldine Goodsell and William Avery Rockefeller, Jr[1] married Marcellus Hartley Dodge, Sr., president of The Remington Arms Company and, she brought into the marriage an estimated personal fortune of $101 million. They were married on April 18, 1907 in Manhattan, where both resided, in a small ceremony at the residence of the bride's family, following the contemporary customs dictated by a mourning period after the death of the groom's father in February.[2]
Eventually Dodge became the chairman of Remington Arms Company, taking the place of his maternal grandfather. The Remington Arms and Union Metallic Cartridge factories at Bridgeport, Connecticut were described as the greatest small arms and ammunition plant in the world by the editor of the New York Times in 1916.[2] Cash control of the company was acquired by E.I. du Pont de Nemours Company of Wilmington, Delaware in 1933, but Dodge remained at the head of the business.
RAIL JOINT CO., THE, 61 Broadway. New York.
Officers: President. Edward Y. Weber; Vice Presidents. Benjamin Wolhaupter, Percy Holbrook. W. Paton Thomson; Secretary, Benjamin Wolhaupter; Treasurer, Fernando C.
Directors: Lawrence F. Braine. Charles W. Cox. Otis H. Cutler. Frederick T. Fearey. George G. Frelinghuysen. Percy Holbrook. Samuel McRoberts, Samuel F. Pryor. Fernando C. Kunyon, Samuel O. Thomson. W. Paton Thomson. Frank A. Vanderlip. Marcus L. Ward, Edward Y. Weber, George A. Weber, Charles P. Wheeler. Albert H. Wiggin, Benjamin Wolhaupter.