Sunday, May 22, 2011

23 Wall Street NYC -- JP Morgan & Co. -- (1914-1918) Merchants of Death

J. P. Morgan, Jr.

John Pierpont "Jack" Morgan, Jr. (September 7, 1867 — March 13, 1943) was an American banker.

World War I

Morgan played a prominent part in financing World War I. Following its outbreak, he made the first loan of $12,000,000 to Russia.[3] In 1915, a loan of $50,000,000 was made to France. The firm's involvement with British and French interests fueled charges the bank was conspiring to maneuver the United States into supporting the Allies in order to rescue its loans. By 1915 it became apparent the war was not going to end quickly, the company decided to forge formal relationships with France.[4] Those dealings became strained over the course of the war as a result of poor personal relations with French emissaries, relationships that were heightened in importance by the unexpected duration of the conflict, its costs, and the complications flowing from American neutrality. Contributing to the tensions was the favoritism displayed by Morgan officials to British interests.[5] His firm was the official purchasing agent for the British government, buying cotton, steel, chemicals and food. Morgan organized a syndicate of about 2200 banks and floated a loan of $500,000,000 to the Allies. The British sold off their holdings of American securities and by late 1916 were dependent on unsecured loans for further purchases.[6]

By the time America declared war on Germany, Morgan was having a bang-up war of its own. The company had already loaned Britain and France $2.1 billion (around $30 billion by 2004 standards), and had cleared $30 million – around $425 million in 2004 dollars – in profit.

The next step in the maneuvering of the United States into the war came when the Cunard Lines, owner of the ocean liner, the Lusitania, turned the ship over to the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill. It now became a ship of the English Navy and was under the control of the English government.
The ship was sent to New York City where it was loaded with six million rounds of ammunition, owned by J.P. Morgan & Co., to be sold to England and France to aid in their war against Germany.

It should be noted that Britain took the CUNARD ship headquarted at 25 Broadway Street, filled with 4,000,000 rounds of .303 caliber British Army ammo made by Rockefeller-controlled Remington Arms company headquartered at 25 Broadway Street.. Despite the claims neither Rockefeller nor JP Morgan were philanthropists -- they profited by war, not charitably gave aid. JP Morgan 23 Wall Street paid for the Rockefeller bullets (26 Broadway Street) using money JP Morgan "loaned" to the British Government which the Brits directed Morgan to spend as their US agent.

The following listing is WWI directors of JP Morgan & Co., and related interlocking board members of interest to the subject of MERCHANTS OF DEATH.


MORGAN, J. PIERPONT, of the Firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.
Aetna Insurance Co., Dir.
First Security Co. of the City of N. Y.. Dir.
International Mercantile Marine Co., The, Dir.
N. Y. & Harlem R. R. Co.. Dir
Northern Pacific Railway Co.. Dir.
Pullman Co.. The. Dir.
U. S. Steel Corporation, Dir.

ANDERSON. ARTHUR M.. with J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.
Erie R. R. Co., Dir.

COCHRAN. THOMAS, of the Firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., 23 Wall St.
Associated Dry Goods Corporation, Dir.
Astor Safe Deposit Co., Dir.
Bankers Trust Co., Dir.
Braden Copper Co., Dir.
Braden Copper Mines Co.. Dir.
Interborough Rapid Transit Co.. Dir.
Kennecott Copper Corporation, Dir.
Lord & Taylor, Dir.

HAMILTON, WILLIAM PIERSON, of the Firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., 23 Wall St.
Alaska Development & Mineral Co., Pres. and Dir.
Braden Copper Co., Dir.
Braden Copper Mines Co., Dir.
Central & South American Telegraph Co.. Dir.
Copper River & Northwestern Railway Co., V. Pres, and Dir.
Copper River Railway Co.. V. Pres, and Dir.
Fulton Navigation Co.. V. Pres, and Dir.
Kennecott Copper Corporation, V. Pres, and Dir.
Long Island Motor Parkway, Incorporated, Dir.
Mercantile Insurance Co. of America, The. Dir.
N. J. & N. Y. R. R. Co., Dir.
N. Y., Susquehauna & Western R. R. Co., Dir.
North British & Mercantile Insurance Co. of London ft Edinburgh, U. S. Dir. and Special Trustee.
Northwestern Commercial Co., Dir.
Raquette Lake Transportation Co.. V. Pres. and Dir.
South Branch R. R.. Dir.
Sterling Mountain R. R., Dir.

LAMONT, THOMAS W., of the Firm of J. P. Morgan A Co.. 23 Wall St.
Crowell Publishing Co.. The. Dir.
First National Bank of N. Y., Dir.
First Security Co. of the City of N. Y., Dir.
Guaranty Safe Deposit Co., Dir.
Guaranty Trust Co. of N. Y, Dir.
International Agricultural Corporation, Dir.
International Harvester Co.. Dir.
J. G. White & Co.. Incorporated, Dir.
Lamont, Corliss A Co., Dir.
Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co.. Dir.
Northern Pacific Railway Co., Dir.
Southwestern Construction Co., Dir.

LLOYD. HORATIO G., of the firm of J. P. Morgan A Co.. 23 Wall St.
General Asphalt Co.. Dir.

PORTER. WILLIAM H.. of the Firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.
Associates Land Co.. The. Dir.
Bankers Trust Co.. Dir.
Chamber of Commerce of the State of N. Y.. Treas. and Member of Executive Committee.
Crulkshnnk Co.. Dir.
Fidelity i Casualtv Co.. The. Dir.
Fifth Avenue Bank of N. Y., The. Dir.
Franklin Savings Bank. The. Trustee.
Mlddlebury College, Trustee.
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. T., The, Trustee
Pere Marquette Railway Co., Dir.
Title Guarantee at Trust Co., Trustee.
U. S. Life Insurance Co. In the City of N. Y., The, V. Pres, and Dir.
Woodlawn Cemetery. Dir.

STEELE. CHARLES, of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.
Atchison. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co.. The, Dir.
Cerro De Pasco Copper Corporation, Dir.
Chicago, Great Western R. R. Co., Dir.
International Mercantile Marine Co., The. Dir.
Northern Pacific Railway Co., Dir.
Pennsylvania Coal Co.. Dir.
Southern Railway Co.. Dir.

STETTINIUS, EDWARD R.. of the Firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.
American Surety Co. of N. Y., Trustee.
Fidelity Phenlx Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Dir.
International Agricultural Corporation. Dir.

STONE. JOHN K. PORTER, with J. P. Morgan & Co., 23 Wall St.
Richmond Brick Co.. Dir.

STOTESBURY. EDWARD T.. of the Firms of J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.. New York, and Drexel & Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Buffalo Creek R. R.. Pres. and Dir.
Central R. R. Co. of N. J.. The. Dir.
Coxe Brothers & Co.. Incorporated. Dir.
Delaware. Susquehanna & Schuylkill R. R. Co.. Dir.
Fldellty Trust Co.. Dir.
Girand Trust Co.. Philadelphia. Dir.
Highland Coal Co., Dir.
Lehigh & Hudson River Railway Co.. Dir.
Lehigh & N. Y. R. R. Co.. Dir.
Lehigh & Wllkes-Barre Coal Co.. Dir.
Lehigh Valley Coal Co., Dir.
Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.. Dir.
Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. of N. J.. Dir.
Lehigh Valley Railway Co.. The. Dir.
Lido Corporation. The, Dir.
Metropolitan Opera Co.. Dir.
Metropolitan Opera House Co. of Philadelphia. Pres. and Dir.
Morris Canal & Banking Co.. Dir.
National Horse Show Association of America. Limited. The. Dir.
National Storage Co.. Dir.
National Umbrella Frame Co.. Dir.
N. Y. & Middle Coal Field R. R. & Coal Co.. Dir.
N. Y. Short Line R. R.. Dir.
Niagara Falls Power Co.. The, Dir.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., The. Trustee.
Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co..The, Dir
Philadelphia & Reading Railway Co.. Chairman of the Board of Dlrs.
Philadelphia Trust. Safe Deposit ? Insurance Co.. Dir.
Reading Co., Pres. and Dir.
Schuylkill & Lehigh Valley R. R.. Dir.
Temple Iron Co.. Dir.
Transportation Mutual Insurance Co., Dir.
United Gas Improvement Co., Dir.
Union Transfer Co.. Dir.
Wyoming Valley Coal Co.. Dir.

WIGREN. ADOLPH, with J. P. Morgan & Co., 23 Wall St.White Fire Proof Construction Co., Dir.



MORGAN, J. PIERPONT, of the Firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. 23 Wall St.
Aetna Insurance Co., Dir.
  • Officers: President, George F. Baker; Vice Presidents, Francis L. Hine, Charles D. Norton, George F. Baker, Jr.
  • Directors: Fisher A. Baker, George F. Baker, George F. Baker, Jr., James A. Blair, Henry P. Davison, William Fahnostoek, Louis W. Hill, Francis L. Hine. Arthur C. James, Thomas W. Lamont, William H. Moore, J. P. Morgan, John R. Morron. Charles D. Norton, Theodore N. Vail.
  • Officers: Chairman of the Board. Harold A. Sanderson; President, P. A, S. Franklin: Vice Presidents. E. E. Parvln. E. C. Grenfell; Secretary, A. P. Palmer; Treasurer, II. G. Philips; Manager. Frederick Teppln.
  • Directors: Otto T. Baunard. Harry Bronner. G. W. Davison. P. A. S. Franklin. D. G. Geddes. E. C. Grenfell. J. P. Morgan. Lord Pirrie. J. W. Platten, Albert Rathbone. Charles H. Sabin. H. A. Sanderson. F. W. Scott. Charles Steele. Charles A. Stone. F. A. Vanderllp.

N. Y. & Harlem R. R. Co.. Dir
Northern Pacific Railway Co.. Dir.
PULLMAN CO.. THE. 61 Broadway, New York; Main Office. Pullman Building, Chicago. 111.
  • Officers: Chairman of the Board. Robert T. Lincoln: President, John S. Runnells; Vice Presidents, Richmond Dean, Le Roy Kramer; Assistant to President. Clive Runnells; Secretary. A. S. Wetnsheimer; Treasurer. A. A. Cummins, Comptroller, L. S. Taylor.
  • Directors: George F. Baker. Chauncey Keep. Robert T. Lincoln. John J. Mitchell, J. P. Morgan, John S. Runnells. J. A. Spoor. Frederick W. Vanderbllt, W. Seward Webb.
  • Executive Committee: George F. Baker, Robert T. Lincoln, John J. Mitchell, J. P. Morgan, John S. Runnells.
UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION. 51 Newark Street. Hoboken, N. J., and 71 Broadway, New York.
  •  Officers: Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Finance Committee, Elbert H. Gary; President, James A. Farrell; Vice Presidents. John Reis, David G. Kerr; Secretary and Treasurer, Richard Trimble; Comptroller, William J. Filbert: Assistant Secretary, Thomas Murray.
  •  Directors: Robert Bacon, George F. Baker, James A. Farrell, Henry C. Frick, Elbert H. Gary, Samuel Mather. J. Pierpont Morgan, Thomas Morrison, George W. Perkins, J. S. Phipps, James H. Reed. Daniel G. Reid, Perclval Roberts. Jr.. Robert Wlnsor.
  •  Controlled Companies: American Bridge Co.; American Sheet & Tin Plate Co.; American Steel & Wire Co.; Carnegie Steel Co.; Clairton Steel Co.; Federal Steel Co.; Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines; National Tube Co.; Shelby Steel Tube Co.; Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co.; Union Steel Co.

LAMONT, THOMAS W., of the Firm of J. P. Morgan A Co.. 23 Wall St.
Crowell Publishing Co.. The. Dir.

  • Officers: Chairman of the Board, George F. Baker; President. Francis L. Hine: Vice Presidents. Charles D. Norton. George F. Baker, Jr.. Francis D. Bartow; Cashier, Samuel A. Welldon: Assistant Cashiers. Frank G. Walton, J. S. Maxwell. S. L. Searles.
  • Directors: F. A. Baker. George F. Baker. George F. Baker Jr.. William Fahnestock. Louis W. Hill. F. L. Hine. Arthur C. James, William H. Moore, John R. Morron. Charlee D Norton. Theodore N. Vail.
  • Officers: President, George F. Baker; Vice Presidents, Francis L. Hine, Charles D. Norton, George F. Baker, Jr.
  • Directors: Fisher A. Baker, George F. Baker, George F. Baker, Jr., James A. Blair, Henry P. Davison, William Fahnostoek, Louis W. Hill, Francis L. Hine. Arthur C. James, Thomas W. Lamont, William H. Moore, J. P. Morgan, John R. Morron. Charles D. Norton, Theodore N. Vail.
GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 514 Fifth Avnue, New York.
GUARANTY TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK, 140 Broadway; Fifth Avenue and Forty-third Street, New York; 32 Lombard Street, London. К. С England.
  •    Officers: Chairman of the Board. Alexander J. Hemphill; President. Charles H. Sabin; Vice Presidents. Grayson M.-P. Murphy. William C. Lane. Max May. Albert Breton, Lewis B. Franklin. N. D. Jay, Eugene W. Stetson. James M. Pratt, William С. Cox. William P. Conway. Charles M. Billings, John J. Lewis, Harold Stanley. William C. Edwards. E. C. Hebbard. Francis H. Sisson; 
  •    Directors: Charles H. Allen. A. C. Bedford, Edward J. Berwind. T. De Witt Cuyler. James B. Duke, Caleb C. Dula. Robert W. Goelet. George J. Gould. Daniel Guggenheim. William Averell Harrlman. Albert H. Harris. Alexander J. Hemphill, Augustus D. Jullllard, Thomas W. Lamont, William C. Lane. Edgar L. Marston, Grayson M.-P. Murphy. Charles A. Peabody. William C. Pottter. Daniel G. Reid.John S. Runnells. Thomas F. Ryan. Charles H. Sabin. John A. Spoor, Albert Strauss, Harry Payne Whitney.
INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CORPORATION, Harvester Building. Chicago, III.; New York Office, 17 Battery Place.
WHITE AND CO.. INCORPORATED, J. G.. 43 Exchange Place. New York.
  • Officers: President. James G. White: Vice Presidents. D. I. McKay, S. B. Steel. R. B. Marchant, Gano Dunn, J. H. Pardee; Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. A. N. Connett. Jr.; Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, C. S. Pinkerton.
  • Directors: A. C. Beatty. F. Q. Brown. Gano Dunn. P. G. Gossler. William S. Gray. Chester Griswold, A. G. Hodenpyl. G. T. Holllster. Thomas W. Lamont, R. Walter Leigh, R. B. Marchant. D. I. McKay. J. H. Pardee. John T. Pratt, S. L. Selden, F. S. Smlthers. S. B. Steel, Frederick Strauss, William A. Tucker, James G. White. William F. White.

Lamont, Corliss & Co., Dir. 
Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co.. Dir. 
NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., 34 Nassau Street. New York: Main Office. St. Paul, Minn.
  • Officers: President, J. M. Hannaford; First Vice President. George T. Slade; Second Vice President. J. G. Woodworth; Third Vice President, George H. Earl; Secretary and Assistant Treasurer, E. A. Gay; Treasurer, Charles A. Clark; Assistant Secretary. Rlebard H. Rolf; Comptroller. H. A. Gray: General Counsel In New York, Francis Lynde Stetson; General Counsel in St. Paul. C. W. Bunn.
  • Directors: George F. Baker. George F. Baker, Jr., Amos T. French. J. M. Hannaford, James N. Hill. Arthur Curtlss James, Thomas W. Lamont, Lewis C. Ledyard, Crawford Livingston. J. P. Morgan, Grant B. Schley. William Sloane. Charles Steele, William Stewart Tod, Payne Whitney.
Southwestern Construction Co., Dir.